Ismail Hasan

42 Articles Published | Follow:
Season 2 Episode 5 – Aikido as a martial art and other matters

Jose Mosquera joins me for a second time to discuss  Aikido as a martial art…

South America

[ppp_non_patron_only]Travelling in South America was both a fascinating and disappointing trip. It came immediately after…

When life gives you lemons…

There is always this floating question about the nature of ukemi, what it is and…

Where are you?

Where are you? Where are the young people in Aikido? I am talking about the…

Gradings and development

Why do we bother with them? Why does a non competitive martial art continue to…


In the last couple of years I have been writing on and off with the…

Kiri otoshi or “cutting down”

“Cutting down” or “striking down”. This is the simple translation of Kiri Otoshi as used…

Self training
Self Training

The enforced social isolation and the inability to go training as usual at the dojo…

A Journey with friends: A Baptism of Fire

I wrote this article several years ago as I recalled my early days in San…

Aikido and its expected and unexpected benefits

I have been coaching for over 30 years in the Japanese martial art of Aikido and…